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Reduce costs for your academic library.
Your guide to all things BibliU and digital learning.
Filling a need for digital content access, BibliU provides. the students of North Shore Community College with a way to find and access content on the web.
At Jackson College, usage of BibliU is linked to better grades and persistence.
Learn how to create inspection copies to review and share within the BibliU Learning Enablement plat
Join Dave Sherwood, Co-Founder & CEO of BibliU, Sheree Utash Ed.D., President of WSU Tech...
Learn about the key features of the BibliU Learning Enablement platform.
How can partners work with institutions more effectively? Interview with John Woods, Provost and Chief Academic Officer of the University of Phoenix, and Dave Larson.
Learn about accessibility options and features available in the BibliU Learning Enablement platform.
AHC library has streamlined its content acquisition process and expanded its online presence. Now, faculty can plan their courses easier before each semester.
EHU has deployed BibliU to make it easier for students to access content from anywhere. BibliU provides students with a continuous learning experience.
Join BibliU CEO, Dave Sherwood, as he has a candid chat with Jackson College's President Phelan...
Join John Woods, Provost and Chief Academic Officer of the University of Phoenix, and Dave Larson of Bibliu as they talk about how student expectations have changed.
We are BibliU — a learning enablement platform built to achieve more equitable, efficient and...
Join James Wiley, Principal Analyst at Eduventures, and Shannon Meadows, CRO at BibliU, for this...
Join us as we discuss the differences and similarities of University Libraries in the UK and the US,
What are the Fundamentals of a Successful Online Program? Interview with Phoenix's John Woods, John Woods, and Dave Larson from BibliU.
Learn how to print portions of e-textbooks using the BibliU Learning Enablement platform.