Hispanics in Higher Ed

Hispanic population will continue to play a big role in shaping the US higher ed system and the US workforce for years to come. And as the Hispanic population grew, so did their educational attainment particularly in high school graduation rates. However, Hispanic students are still trailing behind their non-Hispanic peers in completing their college degrees.

How can colleges help Hispanics narrow the degree completion gap?

Hispanics in Higher Ed Fast Facts

28% of Hispanic adults have an associate’s degree or higher, compared to 48% of white adults

Community college attrition rates among Hispanics are higher by seven points

Hispanic students need to earn 6.2 million degrees by 2030 to narrow degree attainment gaps

Factors Impacting Hispanics in Higher Ed

44% of Latinxs are the first in their family to attend college, while the average across all racial or ethnic groups is 29%

About three-quarters reported that they work and attend college at the same time to make ends meet

Heightened aversion to student debt is prominent in the Latinx community

Student success can only be improved when college leaders make it a top priority. 

“Being a Hispanic-Serving Institution means just what the name implies: That we serve our Hispanic students. This means that we understand their unique needs, and we remove every single barrier that's in place that we can to ensure that they're meeting their educational goals.”

- Dr. Lynda Villanueva, President of Lee College, a Hispanic-Serving Institute

Reduce the cost barrier.

A lower price tag to a college degree will help to overcome the Hispanic community's widespread aversion to debt. The college price tag includes tuition and fees and living expenses necessary to succeed in higher ed. Among Hispanic students who reported they dropped out because of cost, the hefty price of books and supplies is second only to tuition and fees in terms of financial consternation.

Foster college-going cultures.

Colleges play an essential role in guiding prospective Hispanic students through the complex maze of college applications. They should recognize the importance of family in Hispanic communities, and invite families to participate in the college experience.

Implement retention initiatives.

Institutions can implement early alert systems that identify at-risk students, such as Hispanic first-generation college-goers. Data on how – and if – students use their course materials can be a helpful early alert system for faculty and administrators. 

BibliU’s Universal Learning gives faculty and administrators access to a dashboard that shows student usage data. 

“Our partnership with BibliU is absolutely critical in ensuring that we're meeting our mission of serving our Hispanic students.”

- Dr. Lynda Villanueva, President of Lee College, a Hispanic-Serving Institute

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