Climate change is the defining global issue of our time. If we are to achieve the aim of limiting the rise of global temperatures to less than 1.5°C as outlined by the Paris Agreement, we need to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
In the wake of COP26, it is more evident than ever before that the world needs to take radical action to tackle the climate crisis.
Universities have long been leaders in climate research, providing us with both a clear picture of the challenge as well as technological solutions to mitigate climate change.
But what further steps can we take? How can universities decarbonise their campuses in the short-term while building credible and ambitions plans to tackle Scope 3 emissions in the long-term? And how can we work with government effectively to ensure that the sector gets the support it needs to achieve this?
This two-day, online conference will be exploring these issues in-depth, providing you with practical, actionable steps that your institution can take to become more sustainable. We will also be exploring ways to engage with your student and staff body on this pertinent topic, and enhance the student experience.