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Ian Dunn, Provost at Coventry University, understands that higher education is a competitive marketplace where universities compete to attract students. But more importantly than just drawing a broad range of students, Ian knows that retaining them is vital to both the success of the student and the institution.
Take a few minutes to watch the videos below and hear his insights on using analytics to support learners and how operating higher education, like a business, can make institutions more efficient.
Access to student centered analytics drives engagement. It helps educators identify gaps in learning for individual students in real-time. Providing a transparent view of where the student is struggling and how best to offer support, reduce the stress on learning, and make it more successful.
They don’t come with the intention of dropping out. Engagement with learning helps students reach their full potential.
If we can identify gaps at the point of them existing and then provide support, that gives us an amazing way to make sure we can take all of our learners through the journey.
Students are paying customers, spending money on an important product: education. In order to attract students, and then keep them, it’s important for universities to show students a return on their large investment.
We challenge ourselves to provide quality service. Students are customers, they’re buying in, and they want to be apart of a community of learning.
Providing common service brings efficiencies. I don’t see that can be a bad thing.
BibliU is proud to partner with Coventry University to provide e-textbooks to over 30,000 students with the cost covered by students’ tuition fees.
Explore how campus stores can leverage personalization and flexible fulfillment strategies—like tailored communication, innovative technology, and diverse delivery options—to meet the needs of today’s diverse student population and drive meaningful engagement.