Webinar: 6 Tips for Remote Learning

We recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Andrew Knight, Team Leader of Collections Discovery Services at the University of Roehampton, to discuss remote learning in these trying times.

We recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Andrew Knight, Team Leader of Collections Discovery Services at the University of Roehampton, to discuss remote learning in these trying times.

We’d all agree that this sudden shift to remote learning has come as a shock to many, but the process doesn’t have to be difficult. In this webinar, our CEO Dave Sherwood and Head of Product Umberto Anderle discuss the many ways the transition can be made easy at your institution.

Check out the recorded webinar below!

Want more? Catch up with some of our other videos, including roundtables on digital learning and learning enablement!

Customizing BibliU for Course-Specific Needs: A Guide for Educators

The ability to tailor educational resources to fit specific course needs is more important than ever. This guide will help educators understand how to leverage BibliU in customizing their materials to best benefit students in their learning experience.

EdTech Entrepreneurship & Lessons Learned from Building BibliU

Switching gears from B2C to B2B was a daunting move, but we pivoted just in time and learned the importance of product-market fit in the process. Discover the challenges and triumphs that shaped BibliU into a leading EdTech company with BibliU Co-Founder and CEO, Dave Sherwood.

Beyond Print: Transitioning to Digital Course Materials in Higher Education

The transition from traditional printed course materials to digital offers immense benefits in terms of accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and enhanced learning experiences. Explore how institutions can make this transformation seamless.

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